Know it all kids ….


Jul 27, 2023
Anyone else have adult or damn near adult kids?

Fuck, I don’t remember being so incapable and unwilling to listen to my parents and worse listening to his dumbass friends and girlfriend over me when it comes to automotive shit.

he had headers installed I got him at some hole in the wall muffler shop his girlfriends dad recommended a couple weeks ago over using RPM Muffler someone I’ve know for 15 + years just because it saved him $100 and i recently put some suspension on his 4runner so I took it to ocotillo wells today and I got home to this mess.

The damn muffler place didn’t modify the dipstick mount they just zip tied it out of the way and it obviously popped out of the trans pan tube half way down. Fuck! Now I gotta fix that for him.


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Get him familiar with this channel. Almost all the videos are on 3rd Gen 4Runners / 1st Gen Tacomas (basically identical besides cab and some suspension in the rear). The videos can be a bit over the top as far as over explaining and hemming and hawing about unimportant minuscule torque figures on an M6 bolt here and there, but it’s good for a beginner with too much info than not enough.
There’s everything from basic brake pad and oil changes to engine and transmission r&r.
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That would have been a really good resource when I was first learning how to work on cars - hopefully he sees the light before listening to his friends and you become the one they go to for advice instead.
With a show of hands, how many had dads/stepdads build them or even help them build their first offroad truck?

I know i didnt, learned that shit on my own. Its time to be a grumpy old man and yell at him for staining the driveway. lol or atleast watch, laugh and drink beer in a lawn chair as he does the work.
With a show of hands, how many had dads/stepdads build them or even help them build their first offroad truck?

I know i didnt, learned that shit on my own. Its time to be a grumpy old man and yell at him for staining the driveway. lol or atleast watch, laugh and drink beer in a lawn chair as he does the work.
yep this mess has been fueled by my own stupidity with the help of friends.
I was forced to help my dad a bunch on stuff. The classic "shine the flash light here" was in full effect. When I got my own stuff he was always there when I had questions or to walk me through the first attempt. I wasn't the same with Shane and still don't force him to help me unless I need a hand. But his stuff is his problem. I am there to help and give advice. My type A typically get the best of me and I do way more work than I should while "helping".
I should say that I wish I had more of the patience my dad had in forcing me to learn vs the I just want to get shit done mentality I have.
He will learn. Takes time and lots of mistakes being made before they realize dad was right and actually knows what hes talking about.

Its cool that your willing to teach your son and help him though. I never had that kind of help or involvement when i was learning to build my trucks. My dads a great guy but hes not into cars and mechanical stuff.
I’ll start with I am by no means in the same league as you guys! I can barely solder and have never welded. I sourced parts and helped a bit on the build but ultimately paid someone at great handshake price to build mine. That said when it comes to vehicles my dad taught me how to change oil, swap a battery and rotate tires and that’s about it. He likes cars but babies them and has a great mechanic and funds to pay him lol. With this truck I promised myself I would attempt, learn (YouTube academy) and probably mess up before paying someone.

I have two sons 12 and 8 with both interested in cars/trucks. My oldest is copilot and calls the taco our truck! He is looking on autotrader for Toyotas already lol, started a savings envelope too. He is starting to be a bit of teen now 13 month and half, everything is “I know” or “okaaaay dad” or “I did” and he didn’t. Starting to remember being a pain in the a bit too… gonna be a wild ride haha

I’m gonna do my best to help him do as much as he/we can together on mine and his future vehicles. He has helped bleed brakes and hold the flashlight. After I get a trailer next is a welder and start playing so I can teach him. Hoping his fire stays and he ends up being able to fab up his dreams guy like many of you on here!
I’ll start with I am by no means in the same league as you guys! I can barely solder and have never welded. I sourced parts and helped a bit on the build but ultimately paid someone at great handshake price to build mine. That said when it comes to vehicles my dad taught me how to change oil, swap a battery and rotate tires and that’s about it. He likes cars but babies them and has a great mechanic and funds to pay him lol. With this truck I promised myself I would attempt, learn (YouTube academy) and probably mess up before paying someone.

I have two sons 12 and 8 with both interested in cars/trucks. My oldest is copilot and calls the taco our truck! He is looking on autotrader for Toyotas already lol, started a savings envelope too. He is starting to be a bit of teen now 13 month and half, everything is “I know” or “okaaaay dad” or “I did” and he didn’t. Starting to remember being a pain in the a bit too… gonna be a wild ride haha

I’m gonna do my best to help him do as much as he/we can together on mine and his future vehicles. He has helped bleed brakes and hold the flashlight. After I get a trailer next is a welder and start playing so I can teach him. Hoping his fire stays and he ends up being able to fab up his dreams guy like many of you on here!

I’m over in Simi if you want a welding/fab crash course to get you and your son started!
With a show of hands, how many had dads/stepdads build them or even help them build their first offroad truck?

I know i didnt, learned that shit on my own. Its time to be a grumpy old man and yell at him for staining the driveway. lol or atleast watch, laugh and drink beer in a lawn chair as he does the work.

Growing up if I had friends coming to visit they had to park on the road. My old man would have an absolute melt down if there was oil drips in the driveway.

I was very fortunate he helped me buy my first truck (I made payments to him) because he didn't want a "pile of shit" in his driveway!