hands free Race Radio


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
Okay go with me on this, maybe a dumb idea, But i am hoping someone on here might be smarter than me.
I have a 100W kenwood radio in my truck. Since the truck is fairly quiet when offroading i dont want headsets.
But what i do want is a hands free race radio..

So is it possible to wire a push to talk, and a mic to talk freely into without having to pick up a mic and talk through that? similar to how you would talk through a hands free car mic on your cell phone, except you use a push to talk on the steering wheel.
Do you have a dedicated speaker for the radio or are you gonna run it though the stereo?

it doesnt have to be tied into the radio at all. I mean sweet if it could. but i am just thinking of taking a normal mic and using a push to talk on the steering wheel, and a mic mounted on the dash somewhere.

From talking to a couple people, i guess race radios are powered mics where car mics for phones arent, or something along those lines, and the issue they think is that the mic needs to be close to your mouth or you wont be able to hear shit.