Well-known member

We winch him out and keep moving.
By this time it's getting late. We're low on fuel and propane and we're very far from where we were supposed to be. So while we're in town, we decide to not cook dinner that night and end up eating at McDonald's. Fuck McDonald's. I think everyone was shitting their brains out the next day.
A disagreement happened and someone didn't share their succulent chicken nuggies and some fries ended up on the floor. We cleaned up afterwards. I think it was Najj's way of trying to convincing the hefty (but sunny disposition) female McDonald's associate into coming out on the trail with him and showing her how he pitches a tent.

Day 5 - Game Day: Desert golf, round 2 "ball'in wash next to your bush hole". Bring shitty 9 irons, shitty golf balls and whip flag. Scratch out a rectangle as your tee box. Scratch out a circle about 30-40 yards away. Hit anything within the hole line is in. Three rounds per person. Jack pulls before each start of every round. Anything outside or touching the hole line is still out. Lots of fun and well recommended.
The ref. He was strict (and drunk).

Who the fuck keeps bringing this vile thing on the trip and why?!

Loose track bar. Had to continuely tighten about every 10-15 miles through the rest of the trip. Fucking Heeps.

Last gas station.

Night 5. Menu: Taco night

Then someone pulled out the "Dick Lazer".

Comes with multiple dick settings.

Day 6 - Last Day, GAK MVP Trophy Award, Head home

The GAK #9 2024 Trophy

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