Diesel BS/Show Off/Questions Stuff


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2022
there's no where to bitch/complain/ask/showoff about diesels and whatnot......................
not DR, not gofastexplorers and not here. where the fuck am i supposed to bitch about them?!?!?!?!!

i gots a 12' Cummins that i fucking LOVE............. mostly.
the past few months i've been having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many fucking ishys with the o2 sensor/emissions BULLSHIT THOUGH. probably like $6 fucking grand that i've (really, papa cause im a broke as fuck disabled fuck on disability) put into "repairs" in the past few months.
"______________________edited because i actually do not want to get boinked in the buttox if shit goes south___________"

soooooooooooo. idk. post your dee-sull's, thoughts on what i said/am going to do, or prollems you have and blah blah mawmacita blah blah. u no wut 2 do!

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Deleted is way better! Better for the engine and mileage.
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Jakey, remove anything you posted about any shop that gave you any insite on deletes. EPA will use forum information against any and all shops to build a case against them.

Kory @ PPEI fight against them is a perfect case where the epa used what he posted on duramaxforum against him and kory lost.

keep all names and shops out of posts. Canada stuff is iffy. not sure what EPA is doing there.
Jakey, remove anything you posted about any shop that gave you any insite on deletes. EPA will use forum information against any and all shops to build a case against them.

Kory @ PPEI fight against them is a perfect case where the epa used what he posted on duramaxforum against him and kory lost.

keep all names and shops out of posts. Canada stuff is iffy. not sure what EPA is doing there.

dundid dat
I’ve had a couple diesels so far. Both GMCs... at some point I’ll probably regret the decision I made to sell my LBZ this year but I got offered a number I couldn’t pass up. It was set up well, and was an awesome truck. I’ve replaced it with a 17 3500 with the L5P and I love it. As much as I hate the idea of owning an diesel with emissions you can’t beat the power these new ones put down. All we can hope is the EPA gets put in their place some day... anywho... I’ll drop a pic of them I guess

The LBZ1E1CCAC3-6C24-4062-8F05-DBA5F7ADF264.jpeg

The new (to me) unit