DezertFest for Pismo @ LaserTown April

I’ll be there with wife and baby. Newborn is young enough that we are skipping KOH but will be attending this. I have a ground of 8 or so rigs and growing. Some crawlers some prerunners sxs and lots of dirtbikes. Interested to see what the planned rides entail. Hoping to ride moto in morning then crawl evening into nights. Planning on Thursday to Sunday/monday
We will be out there early And setting up camp elsewhere until we can get into the gates. Sounds like there will be quite a few unofficial/ official group rides and day time events that are in the works too. Looking forward to meeting up and getting some trails in. Missed KOH this year.
I'll be there and if anyone is coming down Thursday and doesn't want to camp out in Johnson Valley I have a 2 acre yard in Lucerne Valley about 1 hr away but closer to 15 freeway you can camp in your camper in my yard.
Stoked going to be out there with the family. Going to have a booth set up with some goods. (Stickers, hats, flags, shirts, trashbags, pogs)
Looking forward to a good time. I was thinking we do a little impromptu clean up run if any one is interested.