Desert Mayhem El Jefe 300


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2022
Where: San Felipe, B.C. Mexico
When: January 20th-23th 2022
Who: Myself, the old man, Steve, and Karen (Most non Karen Karen)
Dirt Miles: Maybe 125

Day 1:

Left Clovis, CA around about 7:30PM Wednesday night. Old man loaded up my Ranger and we made our way south.


Arrived at Red Earth Casino around 2:00AM. Crashed out in the cab till 6:00AM before making our way across the border at approximately 7:30AM. Met up with Steve and Karen around 9:30AM for breakfast at Alex’s place. Micheladas were a flowin.


Old man had to handle his HOA fees and taxes.


Steve’s trailer destroyed a hub the day before and the shop in San Felipe said they didn’t have the parts to fix it. We took our spare down to them and they got to work on it. Made our way back to Steve’s to head out and run the course.


Steve’s buggy decided it didn’t want to start. We threw the book at it, about 3 hours worth of down time trying to get that fucker started, nothing seemed to work. Jumped it off my batteries and the fucker fired right up.

By this time it was getting late and we all agreed to call off running the full course. We settled on the 12 mile loop just outside of El Dorado ranch for a couple laps of night running. No videos, no pictures, but that was an absolute blast. Power line road is no joke, get on top of whoops, get out of shape, get on top of whoops, get out of shape, etc.

Headed out to a restaurant that I do not remember the name of for Mocahentes..? I’m not sure how to spell that, but they’re delicious bowls made of lava that burned my mouth for the remainder of the weekend.


Dirt miles: 25-30
Beers drank: maybe 25 between me and the old man
Ford repair time: nil
VW based buggy repair: 3 hours

End of Day 1
Day 2 Friday

Woke up at 5:00AM. The sunrise from El Dorado Ranch is absolutely beautiful. Met up with Steve for coffee at around 7:30AM (he has a Kurig and generators) and prepared a plan for the day.




We plugged in the coordinates for Quarts Mtn, but my GPS plotted us somewhere 30 miles directly West of Puertecitos. “That doesn’t look remotely close, I’ll find it by memory” -Steve.

We made our way East/Southeast out of El Dorado Ranch and hit what I believe was called Morelia Rd to Morelia Junction. Steve found the correct trail and we headed our way back West.


Photographic documentation was limited for the first part of this venture, due to my co-dawg showing signs of early cognitive decline.. Or it was the fact that the trail was absolutely phenomenal and we were smashing beers and having a great time.

Stopped just West of the Canyon and began documenting the day.






We left that little junction and made our way towards Percebu. The whoops were awesome and I think we were able to keep it at around 55-65mph the whole way. 2.9l doesn’t fuck around!.. or it could be that we were headed downhill.. tomato potato 🤷🏻‍♂️

Made our way into Chenowth Legacy Museum. That place is the fucking bees knees! I did not know it was a full on compound. I’m entirely considering having my wedding there.

***Warning picture heavy***











Day 2 Continued...

Left out of Percebu and headed to the Start/Finish to run the course back to El Dorado.



Steve here getting stuck with a Coors Lite due to his diminished Bud Lite supply


We headed West straight into the dusty sun. I could slightly hear Steve call out a giant rain rut on the right, which I promptly smashed directly into. Steering wheel cocks 90 degrees from its original position and I can definitely feel that the truck is now toed out. “Fuck it! Run it.” We start into the wash and I can only keep the truck in 2nd and pinned (What’s new). My mind was kind of stuck on what I may have broke thus no pictures were taken of the 30 miles back to Morelia Rd. It was still a blast!

Back at Steve’s for a fire and beer restock.



Left out of Steve’s to grab food at Joliman..? I’m not completely sure if that location name is correct. Sipped some Tequila and whooped the old mans ass at pool.


Dirt Miles- 60-70?
Beers- Ooof! Definitely enough
Buggy repairs- nil
Ford repairs- 15 minutes to assess possible breakages (none found) and let some air out the tires.

End of Day 2
Day 3 Race Day

Started off the morning pretty groggy from the previous days ventures. I think we got up and out of the camper around 8:30AM which was pretty damn late. Headed out to pole 5 of pole line road to watch the race.




Climbed my fat ass up the tower (in true Baja spirit) to snag some videos of the cars coming through

***All pictures are screen grabs from videos***






We waited until they called the race at 5PM and headed out to Pete’s Camp for the last night of fun before returning to the daily grind.







I’ve always wanted to stay at the palapas at Pete’s.. maybe one day.



Steve caught some awesome sunset and moon pictures. They might be from a different night, but I figure I’d rather include them than not.





Dirt miles: Maybe 15? Running around in the desert was semi uneventful due to the race.

Beers consumed: The rest of our supply plus Pete’s camp refreshments.

No vehicle repairs necessary
Day 4 Final Day

Woke up around 4:45AM and made our way north out of San Felipe.



The old man drove from there to the border and handed the wheel off to me during the crossing. Somehow that sum bitch started to clip the K rail and I had to finagle a way around it. Horns a honking and I had us out in a jiffy. (I’m a trailer maneuvering wizard) Now on to attempting to cross the border without a passport... I was nervous to say the least. I brought everything under the sun to prove that I was a red blooded America lovin sum bisch.


Little did I know this was all I needed.


Picture of passport photo to show that I truly look like a human smuggler


Arrived at the border around 7:15AM and we were out at about 8AM. Nice!

Hit up @Turboyota a few weeks earlier and scheduled us to have a beer or 2 on our journey home.


Turbo and @Accidentson were well equipped with thee appropriate Fosters and beers were enjoyed.
Cheers Holmes!

Arrived back in Clovis.. not Fresno.. fuck that place, just passed sun down.

Co-dawg napping


Trip Summary:
Great time in Baja! I haven’t been down there in over 8 years. I never want to go that long again and I want to make Baja a 2-3 times a year venture from now on. I wish we could of had more dirt miles, but it was definitely a good test to see what the truck can handle.
I just had my own epic journey down to San Felipe... I did a total of 23 miles offroad and I feel like we both had the same amount of San Felipe experience. You just can't beat that place. There is basically nothing to do and everything to do at the same time.

Next time you go you need to stop at the fire work place on the way into town. Even if you only buy something small the dude always has a bottle of tequila on deck for the patrons.