fucking EXCRUCIATING PAIN on Friday morning when i woke up, went by my pediatriciaiaienen 's office since its literally in my backyard. they cut open the end of the cast and unstuffed a bunch of bloody gauze and shit and it felt as good as jizzing in some poonanny(not that i know what that feels like, only male buttox cheeks). i literally tried to jump up. fucking failed but, nothing knew or surprising there.
left on my little scooter thing, ran some errands, went to Safeway later and as im about 20' from my truck & in front of a local highschool kid (they get out of school across the street and gather at Safeway to be "cool" or whatever) one of my wheels clips a post sticking out of the ground (the ones they have around ADA spots) and i fucking go STRAIGHT TO MY HEAD ON THE ASPHALT. no hands out to stop me or anything. im pretty sure i fucking got knocked out for a second cause next thing i know, i hear a hawt as fuck female voice say "JAKE!! JAKE! JAKE!". look up and a few people were gathered around and then a hot as fuck old high school friend, that's married to the most popular and rich dune guys family (Justin Pratte) and has kids now walks up and make sure im ok. it takes me a few minutes to get my mind back and get up. but i do. get a quick blowjob from the chica (preferred the old dude though). then im off.
when i get home i say FUCK THAT STROLLER CART THING!
thankfully i do because when i go to walk on my foot, i do............
and WALA! it doesn't fucking hurt! AT ALL! i mean i walk as good as anyone can without bending their ankle and are in a cast.
BAM! FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!! i dont need the stroller thing anymore!
still fucking hurts like a motherfuckingbitch though.
im going back to the doctors office for a checkup that they scheduled on Friday, this afternoon though. gonna tell him to fucking cut this thing off and rip the pins out, or just cut my motherfucking leg off.
fuck. ok storytime over, for right now