DMC New Years 2014 Trip


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2022
So I just got access to my old photobucket account. Jesse with @Adventure Endeavor would plan a lot of these trips I would go on. They weren't all the DMC guys but some of us would like to drive and explore as much as possible when on these trips.

This one was a New Years 2014 trip that @Adventure Endeavor planned this trip that with his explorer, Rust Bucket Billy with his Bromco and myself with the Long Weiney did before meeting up with the group camping at Glamis. We started the trip meeting at the Salton sea and checked out Bombay beach than took Bradshaw trail towards Blythe. Once in Blythe I found on google and abandoned military airport so naturally we went to check that out. After that continued our trip ending the night down with the group in Glamis. Lit some x-mas tree's on fire, I rode with @GimmeSand in his F-150 to go with the group to Duner's diner and drive along the boarder. The next day the group was leaving so naturally there was more stuff for everyone to see so we took dirt along the railroad tracks up to slab city where we explored East Jesus art commune. There was a couple other spots we checked out along the way but was an awesome trip and got to see lots of stuff I hadn't seen before and haven't seen since. That's what getting out in the dirt and enjoying the trucks we all spend way to much time and money building. Go out with your friends, explorer google earth, do some research and plan to explore area's that you haven't been before.

East Jesus. Was after the birthday party of the founder of this church which I believe was call Church of the Chocolate Martini's or something along those lines. They owned the property so i'm guessing it was a "church" to avoid paying property taxes.

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Totally forgot about the icing on the cake of this trip was the international banana museum in Mecca. Talked to the owner for a bit and he said he bought someone's banana collection and has sense expanded it to create this museum. I'm happy we got to go since they have been temporarily closed I'm guessing since Covid and haven't reopened.

Nice. Only reason I know what these photos were from and what trip is because I put them all in album's that I'd share on the DR trip report post you'd make after the trip. Great times. Trips are a little different now with the growing number of families in the group but are still a ton of fun.