Clean ups?! School me


Active member
Aug 13, 2023
Mesa, AZ
A Midwestern transplant, I would love to do some of these clean ups.

How do they work, run around the desert and bag up trash?

What do I need to know?

School me!
are you looking to join a clean-up or start your own. I should be able to answer any questions you have.

If your in AZ, i would suggest looking up Keep Our Deserts Clean on instagram. They do amazing work in AZ.

For our events, we basically set up the day, and everything you need to show up and have fun. We start at 8am for signups, then send everyone out to into the desert to pick up any trash they find, point is to clean up but also have fun in your vehicles. Then bring trash back and get raffle tickets for each load returned. Everyone comes back just before lunch and the guys here at badlinesgoodtimes feed you amazing food. Then huge raffle after lunch.
Not sure if I’d want to coordinate my own, would love to participate and was curious how the larger events go . Definitely going to plan on making some of them. I love a good reason to go somewhere

even more so maybe get some of the guys I work with that offroad together to hit some local trails together and just pick up trash as we go and make a good day or weekend out of it.
Not sure if I’d want to coordinate my own, would love to participate and was curious how the larger events go . Definitely going to plan on making some of them. I love a good reason to go somewhere

even more so maybe get some of the guys I work with that offroad together to hit some local trails together and just pick up trash as we go and make a good day or weekend out of it.
Rad, Most people leave these events having a great time. You get to meet tons of like minded people who want to give back to our sport. You did a good deed you can feel good about and you spent the weekend in the desert. Really no downside to any of it. Free stuff is just icing on the cake.
I cant tell you how many people i have talked to who said they met life long friends at the events.

In all honesty cleaning up sounds like work. Isnt sexy, but really once you go i think most will agree its a good time, not hard work at all and well worth the effort.
You mentioned you like a good reason to go somewhere... It really is a lot of fun for just about anyone. Gotta make a game out of it. Go kinda fast, or cruise slowly, offroad, in the offroad vehicle of your choice, to an area you see trash. Park and jump out and see who gets the most trash of your group in a short amount of time. Jump back in the vehicle and boogy onto the next location at which you see trash, (hint- you wont get far, there is so much trash out there if you specifically look for it).

Fill up the truck bed, or vehicle you are driving with trash, and bring it back to base camp. Then offload into dumpster, get credit, then go back out and get more.

Some people pick up trash with trash picker upper sticks that fit in trash bags, and some people pickup trash that are the size of vehicles such as abandoned boats or small trailers . All trash is welcome and appreciated. You will be able to see that all the event staff is appreciating your hard work when dropping off the debris at the dumpsters.

I highly recommend you all go out and experience or contribute at a cleanup.
@Cleandezert what about sharing some of your wisdom? For someone who wanted to start up a clean up. How would they go about it.

Who would you start reaching out to with BLM or NPS?

Obviously, Identifying an area in need.

Setting a date, Location, and Time.

Marketing to the masses, getting sponsors Dumpsters. Permits, Insurance, etc.

How do you guys do it?! How do we educate and duplicate what you guys at Clean dezert are doing?
@Cleandezert what about sharing some of your wisdom? For someone who wanted to start up a clean up. How would they go about it.

Who would you start reaching out to with BLM or NPS?

Obviously, Identifying an area in need.

Setting a date, Location, and Time.

Marketing to the masses, getting sponsors Dumpsters. Permits, Insurance, etc.

How do you guys do it?! How do we educate and duplicate what you guys at Clean dezert are doing?
This too!
So much to go into here.. but keep asking and i will let you know everything i know.

1. pick a location and figure out who is in charge of this land. Our first couple clean-ups were under the radar, i mean really nobody is going to get mad you are doing something good. Now when you have 300+ people, then you are on radars and need to get local people in charge of the land involved.
2. Make a ton of phone calls. to local offices, to waste disposal, to cities, to counties, to anyone you can. This opens up doors, and don't get discouraged when they don't call back, keep your eyes on the target. You can get dumpsters donated, you can get permit fees waived, you can get companies to cover all your fees. Just don't take no for an answer.
3. how do you bring people in to help... Our secret to large crowds is knowing what people want. Raffling off a quilt to mid-20-year-old males does not work. Raffling off a ride in a bitchen truck works every time. So go after what they need. Find local companies to help. The cool thing about doing work like this is 75% of people want to help, because they may not want to do the actual work, but they see the need for it to be done.
4. It doesnt come over night, We started small, had fun and kept it going. What people dont see is the 20-30 hrs a week of calling, answering emails and trying to rally sponsors. Its alot of work, but its for a good cause. You have to belive in what you are doing and everyone else will follow you.
5. make sure its fun. If you are not having fun, then nobody else is having fun. Work can be mixed with fun...
6. Have alot of good friends who belive in you and want to enjoy a journey. These people will come and go, but always have a team to help drive you.
7. for trash, the first event might just be a dump trailer, call the local dump and tell them what you are doing and see if they can waive fees if you prove you are picking up dumped trash in the area. Or you can call waste management and ask if they do donations or sponsorships. Or call local companies and ask if they can pitch in for dump fees.
The biggest struggles... that you may not see from the outside.

1. time, between working a real job and a family its hard to always have the time.
2. motivation, even when time is available sometimes its hard to go get motivated. A little each day works, set goals of when stuff has to be done, for me this is what works best. If i know i need to do something by a date, i may take a day off but i always try and hit that target date.
3. One of the hardest things for me is asking for stuff from companies... However, i found a great friend corey who doesnt have that issue. So where i fail he can help out. He really does a great job at this. The reality thought is if you dont ask you dont get anything. So 75% will help and dont linger on the 25%.
4. trying to stay fresh, i am really struggling with this right now, how do we grow and keep the event interesting?
5. Promotion and social media. This is big to keep sponsors happy, again something we struggle with all the time. This is where as you get bigger, you sometimes need to ask for help. Find a young person who is into media and wants an IN to the sport, who want to meet people and become part of the family, they will help out and in return you can help them meet a million new people.
6. as you get bigger your expenses do as well. Insurance, event funds, more back end office supplies, event supplies, trailers to carry stuff, shirts for staff, ect.