

Well-known member
Apr 13, 2022

Im fucking dying in this cast AND not having a fucking vehicle/relying on papa to drive me any/every/ALLwhere's.

Fucking fuck.
I want to bitch/vent/whine about shit all the time. But given the chance to, I ain't got shit in my nonexistent memory TO bitch about.

So, someone else. Please. Give me a subject to bitch about that yer mamacita bitched about when she got home my my place last night(technically papas place since I'm such a moocher POS and I live under papas roof)
COOL STORY BRO, i know. none of you fucks are gonna read my blabbering but, DGAF. im bored and i love story telling

soooooooooooooooo anyways.

i got 4 of my toesies cut off last Tuesday.
you all asked......... so i told you.

but fo reel.
i had surgery. now im stuck in a bright pink cast (not my choice, papa thought he'd be funny while i was out of it.) ((except maybe not and i just love diq so i asked for it. you fucks decide. i know which way im leaning. it's more on the "i luv da diq" side))

story time since im at work and i aint got shit to do this second and i love talking, as most of you fags know.
after my TBI, it affected my LEFT side because i landed on the right side of my head/got hit on my right side.
in a coma and my fingys all worked fine, opened/closed/jacked off other dudez diqs/everything fine. after i started slowly waking up from the coma (not a "medically induced" coma. i went nightynight when i smacked the 40ish MPH minivan/concrete right away), papa says my left hand just started closing up and stayed shut. it go tot he point very quick where, imagine you make a fist as tight as you can and then someone tries to open it... and they cannot for the life ;of them pry your fingys open.
that was papa for months. even therapist tried making me splints and shit to hold my hand open, which hurt like fuck, eventually doctor says he's going to give me Botox injections in my arm, for relaxing my fingys/hopefully open them up. about 6 or 7 months later and after 3 Botox injections, my fingys open up. they're hyper extended like a MOFO when i open them. but hey, ill take the over leaving them locked shut any day.
fast forward to about....fuck idk a year or 2 ago?
my left toes start doing three same thing and closing up. with my shoes on, whatever. doesn't bother me nearly at all.
with my shoes off and barefoot....... landing on your curled as fuck toes every single step, hurts worse than a MOFO.
and now, with me being all gay and my life being dedicated to yoga stuff, i almost always have my shoes off and am walking on a hard wood floor.
brain doctor says lets do the Botox again for my toes, just like he did for my fingys............. great yes sure, lets do it.

FUCKING INECTIONS AND ABOUT A YEAR LATER and it did nothing....... fucking nothing.

so, he sends me to a pediatrist or whatever the fuck the foot doctors are called.
says easy fix. common problem with brain injuries/stuff like that.

Says he has to do surgery on my 4 outside toes, didn't happen to/effect my big toe, and take 1 of the 2 tendons that's on the bottom of my toes, and put i on the top of my 4 toes (to help PULL it BACK). Says i wont be able to curl them as much but, dgaf, do it.
also says the one downfall is........... after im gonna need to be in a cast up to my knee for 6 weeks, at least. "do you want o do it or think about it first?"

immediately, i say
"DO IT TO IT. 6 weeks VS a lifetime of pain is NOTHING. do it asap"

so, he did it. surgery for a day, only took like an hour an a half for the actual surgery, i was there all fucking day though.

now i m in a fucking cast up to my knee for 5 1/2 more motherfucking weeks.
i use my wheelchair when im at home but, when i go anywhere, i use either A. my two canes, B. my walker, or C. i just got from my uncle a little scooter thing to set my left knee on and wheel around. which is easier since i don't have to put ANY weight on my foot, but its just AS fucking tiring on my leg/knee.

soooooooooooooooo COOL STORY BROSEPH. i told all ur mawmacitas and they said to post it up in the dailies on badlinesgoodtimes. peeps may not post up/reply and say anything, but i guarantee that it'll give some of you fucks something to do/read
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COOL STORY BRO, i know. none of you fucks are gonna read my blabbering but, DGAF. im bored and i love story telling

soooooooooooooooo anyways.

i got 4 of my toesies cut off last Tuesday.
you all asked......... so i told you.

but fo reel.
i had surgery. now im stuck in a bright pink cast (not my choice, papa thought he'd be funny while i was out of it.) ((except maybe not and i just love diq so i asked for it. you fucks decide. i know which way im leaning. it's more on the "i luv da diq" side))

story time since im at work and i aint got shit to do this second and i love talking, as most of you fags know.
after my TBI, it affected my LEFT side because i landed on the right side of my head/got hit on my right side.
in a coma and my fingys all worked fine, opened/closed/jacked off other dudez diqs/everything fine. after i started slowly waking up from the coma (not a "medically induced" coma. i went nightynight when i smacked the 40ish MPH minivan/concrete right away), papa says my left hand just started closing up and stayed shut. it go tot he point very quick where, imagine you make a fist as tight as you can and then someone tries to open it... and they cannot for the life ;of them pry your fingys open.
that was papa for months. even therapist tried making me splints and shit to hold my hand open, which hurt like fuck, eventually doctor says he's going to give me Botox injections in my arm, for relaxing my fingys/hopefully open them up. about 6 or 7 months later and after 3 Botox injections, my fingys open up. they're hyper extended like a MOFO when i open them. but hey, ill take the over leaving them locked shut any day.
fast forward to about....fuck idk a year or 2 ago?
my left toes start doing three same thing and closing up. with my shoes on, whatever. doesn't bother me nearly at all.
with my shoes off and barefoot....... landing on your curled as fuck toes every single step, hurts worse than a MOFO.
and now, with me being all gay and my life being dedicated to yoga stuff, i almost always have my shoes off and am walking on a hard wood floor.
brain doctor says lets do the Botox again for my toes, just like he did for my fingys............. great yes sure, lets do it.

FUCKING INECTIONS AND ABOUT A YEAR LATER and it did nothing....... fucking nothing.

so, he sends me to a pediatrist or whatever the fuck the foot doctors are called.
says easy fix. common problem with brain injuries/stuff like that.

Says he has to do surgery on my 4 outside toes, didn't happen to/effect my big toe, and take 1 of the 2 tendons that's on the bottom of my toes, and put i on the top of my 4 toes (to help PULL it BACK). Says i wont be able to curl them as much but, dgaf, do it.
also says the one downfall is........... after im gonna need to be in a cast up to my knee for 6 weeks, at least. "do you want o do it or think about it first?"

immediately, i say
"DO IT TO IT. 6 weeks VS a lifetime of pain is NOTHING. do it asap"

so, he did it. surgery for a day, only took like an hour an a half for the actual surgery, i was there all fucking day though.

now i m in a fucking cast up to my knee for 5 1/2 more motherfucking weeks.
i use my wheelchair when im at home but, when i go anywhere, i use either A. my two canes, B. my walker, or C. i just got from my uncle a little scooter thing to set my left knee on and wheel around. which is easier since i don't have to put ANY weight on my foot, but its just AS fucking tiring on my leg/knee.

soooooooooooooooo COOL STORY BROSEPH. i told all ur mawmacitas and they said to post it up in the dailies on badlinesgoodtimes. peeps may not post up/reply and say anything, but i guarantee that it'll give some of you fucks something to do/read

Fackkk man... Sounds like a party.... light at the end of the tunnel you'll be way better off in a few weeks once things heal up...
Keep hammering. Pretty rad how far you have come with everything from years ago. A little bump in the road compared to some of the shit you have already been through.
Fackkk man... Sounds like a party.... light at the end of the tunnel you'll be way better off in a few weeks once things heal up...
Keep hammering. Pretty rad how far you have come with everything from years ago. A little bump in the road compared to some of the shit you have already been through.

Hopefully be better off in a few weeks***

Haha. I mean he never said anything that would imply it won't work or whatever. So I'm sure it'll be fine. But there's always that chance. Hah

I mean, I really do think it'll affect my entire walking gate(what a walking "pattern" is referred to as) and it will be a fucking game changer for me. But who knows. Hah

Plan on a plane crashing into me, but always hoping for the best. Haha
Hopefully be better off in a few weeks***

Haha. I mean he never said anything that would imply it won't work or whatever. So I'm sure it'll be fine. But there's always that chance. Hah

I mean, I really do think it'll affect my entire walking gate(what a walking "pattern" is referred to as) and it will be a fucking game changer for me. But who knows. Hah

Plan on a plane crashing into me, but always hoping for the best. Haha




i have a bunch of fucking doctors appts in a liittle bit and i get to ride shotugn with papa as he fucking boils over driving with anyone on the road

one appointment (FUCKING ZOOM CALL BECAUSE THIS DOCTOR IS FROM FUCKING NIGERIA OR SOME ZIMBAWBWE SHIT AND SHES AFRAID OF AIR NOW. SHE WAS EVEN WEARING A MOTHERFUCKING MASK ON A ZOOM FUCKING CALL) done and doctors think im doing great still (little do they know im snorting lines of their mawmacitas ass on a daily basis). now its time to makeup a bunch of my workouts, at work, that i can do without a machine or anything (because its my daddies company and i do what the fuck i want, when i want). then ill do some work shit.
but prolly not
but maybe

but i don't know

oh oh oh. and papa and I changed our other eye appt we had today, to next week. so i aint got no mo doctors today now.

anddddddddddddd another day of Jakey talking to himself! here we go!

so they took off and redid my entire cast yesterday. took fuckign 2 hours of just cutting and prying to get the damn thing offf. it was like 4 layers of re-wrapping over the previous wrap since i went in 3 fucking times and the people just kept casting OVER the previous wrap. hah.
literally jizzed my panties when it finally broke off.
new cast is literally half the fucking size of before. it feels weird as fuck. haha

but it doesnt hurt nearly as bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean it still hurts, theres 3 fucking pins in my toes. my pinky toe pine had basically backed all the way out by the time they got the cast off so the doc said fuck it. just pull the pin and tape the pinky toe next to toe #4.

FEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MO FREE NOW! IM FREE PINNIN IT, kinda like free ballin, but not nearly the same, i just liked the phrase free ballin. and balls.

k luv u bye
ok fucking A. why wont the dailies blow up. you guys can talk shit about me, completely ignore me, whatever the fuck you want! just gimme susing to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i keep looking at those pictures of my toesies and thinking about "what the doctor said he was going to do" and i cannot wrap my fuckking head around WHAT AND HOW he did it.

will someone try and help me make sense of it?
from the start of this, i had a problem of my toes involuntarily curling a LOOOOOOOOT and tightening up. like bad. it killed me when i would walk barefoot in yoga. FUCKING KIIIIIIIIIILLED me. landing on curled up/tightened toes EVERY SINGLE STEP on the hardwood floor or concert or whatever i was walking on fucking made me want to scream every single step.
from right after i got otu of the coma, my fingys in my left hand started doing this. it got to the point where my dad said he could not even pry my fucking hand open with all his strength. that didnt really hurt though (if no one was prying to open it, that is). doctor did 3 Botox injections in my arm, to open my fingers up. worked awesome. my fingys are way hyper extended now when i open them, from all the prying from my fingertips. but 3 injectiosn did the job.

foot/toesies start doing the same shit so the doc says lets do Botox again. worked for the fingys, should do the same for the toesies.
5 INJECTIONS, FIVE FUCKING INJECTIONS later........... didn't do jack shit. nothing.

sooooooooooo he initially said:

"there's 2 tendons on the bottom of my toe, that help it curl. so he's going to cut the bottom of my toe open and literally TAKE ONE OF THE 2 TENDONS off (detach it somehow i guess?) and cut the top of my toes and put it on the top of my toe, and put pins in it to hold it for 6 weeks, to help hold it up/curl "back/up" so to say.......
idk where the fuck he's going to attach it to or how he attached it to something/did it, or if there's other tendons on the top of my toe that he kinda piggybacked the tendon off of?

it just makes no fucking sense in my head and it keeps nagging me.

2 more motherfucking weeks with the cast/pins in as of tomorrow. the fucking 25th it gets cut off. fuck
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not even a response/reply from the walsters or elliotwelliot'sters? damn.
you fucks alive? prolly on some badass 69 million mile trip to my mawmacitas neck of the woods in meth city, crackhouse.
Maybe i missed it

But how the f u do that in the first place?

can you be more specific with your question?
how do I do......... what exactly?

I talk...... and talk....... and talk. kinda a little bit A LOT. so you could be referring your question to a lot of shit i said. haha
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Your foot

its all apart of my brain injury.
my toes were involuntarily curling/clenching like a mofo and it hurt extremely bad to walk on hard floor/concrete/anything solid like that when i didn't have shoes on my feet.

the signals in my brain got hacked up (literally all of them) and the ones telling my toes to curl and not curl decided to go ape shit a year or two ago and here we are. same thing happened in my left hand to my fingys but thats a whole nother story

simple story at least. hah