Recent content by Chancegoodman

  1. Chancegoodman

    2025 Leduc Swap Meet

    Someone needs to stop fucking With the weather machine
  2. Chancegoodman

    2025 Leduc Swap Meet

    Put me down for a set of 49
  3. Chancegoodman

    2025 Leduc Swap Meet

    How much are you looking for a set of 48” wiy @85Yota
  4. Chancegoodman

    Is JeepSpeed still a thing?

    jeep speed is kinda dead but they are a riot to ride in. if you want help with figuring out parts for it id hit up chris nissley on insta aka nrt_autosport he was the guy back then for those
  5. Chancegoodman


    i cant run to save my life thats why the stairmaster is my friend
  6. Chancegoodman

    94 ranger build

    It’s how you make it reliable
  7. Chancegoodman

    2025! What's the Plan?

    Hey congrats
  8. Chancegoodman

    To The Moon build

    I like your method of test the clutch
  9. Chancegoodman

    ISO Beard seat

    Another set one of the one have are missing the butt pad and the answered cutoff
  10. Chancegoodman

    ISO Beard seat

    Were you ever Abel to check on those seats?
  11. Chancegoodman

    Know it all kids ….

    Hey atleast his undercarriage won’t rust now
  12. Chancegoodman

    DirtMatics Off-Road Transmissions

    Would you be able to supply parts I have been gathering parts for a 4l80 rebuild and still need a few more?
  13. Chancegoodman

    ISO Beard seat

    Hell yeah let me know
  14. Chancegoodman

    Local Legend Vital Designs Regular Cab Ranger

    that's the true spirt of doing electrical right there