The Homies do Hammertown - My bachelor party at KOH 2024


Active member
May 9, 2023
Figured I would post a trip report as I took both my vehicles out to KOH, and didn't want to post in just one of my build threads.

In early December I had the idea to throw my bachelor party at KOH. I have a few friends on the west coast but most of my good friends are from the east coast and I wanted to give them a taste of the desert life.

Got the Waptuh loaded up

KOH or bust! with @troysladeck leading the way and my friend Matt towing the expo

The east coast homies flew into Vegas and rented an RV, we met them in Barstow and headed south.

They made me a cool sticker for the weekend

Friday morning we watched some of the racing by turkey claw and then headed out to explore the desert. Everyone was having a blast and things were going great...until they weren't. We were running next to the race course and had just passed the "overland experience area" when we got a call over the radio "hold up the explorer broke an axle"

We turned around and came back to find this

Impressive skid length! They said they were mobbing along and heard something and at first it felt like they got a they slowed down and then saw the wheel and axle go rolling past them :ROFLMAO: I really wish I would have been behind them to see it.

The explorer decided to do the infamous C clip delete on its own and also destroy the bearing

Mobbed back to camp and grabbed Matt's truck and the trailer. He was wearing a fitting shirt for the day

Thanks to the limited slip in the rear we were able to drive the expo right up on the trailer. We then made it back to camp with no issues. It was a surprisingly smooth rescue mission.

Camp Chef @John Reynaga whipped up some fire tacos for us Friday night.

Our RC crawler course at camp. I love 1/18th scale crawlers, they can make the smallest obstacle fun

I'm sure most people have seen the Terra Crew clip of that beamed tacoma sending it huge in the sand dunes this weekend.
We were there, and can confirm: it was yuge.

He bent his upper link on that jump and the whole rear end shifted about 6" to the driver side

So they used my jack to bend the link enough to make it driveable.
My jack getting its fifteen minutes of fame :ROFLMAO:

Lafawnduh just chillin in the dunes

The Waptuh did great all weekend with no issues. Really happy with what Lafawnduh has become, not the fastest truck out there but just a very capable and comfortable truck to get around the desert in. Overall it was a great weekend with great friends and great food.

May add some more pics / videos later
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Nice report!

"not the fastest truck out there but just a very capable and comfortable truck to get around the desert in" Hit the nail on the head with that quote. Set a smooth pace and you can wheel all day and get back to camp not feeling like you just did the baja 1k lol.
Sounds like a rad trip with the boys.

What were the guys from the east coast reaction to the chaos of Hammers?
They definitely had some sensory overload at Chocolate Thunder, but I think the part that stuck out the most to them was actually the sand dunes. Seeing prerunners fly through the air is a magical thing.