Recent content by Endless Trails

  1. E

    Ditch Loop Trail Work

    Current view of the trail from the top. Where it will be going from what it shown is not able to be seen from here. Adding a 3rd short option line in the section I am building now. Not as extensive as the other two options which turn it into a completely different trail experience. #minibikepark.
  2. E

    Ditch Loop Trail Work

    When am I going to get you out there for a few laps? I don't think you have seen any of this one, or have you?
  3. E

    Ditch Loop Trail Work

    Getting back at it now that we got moisture. We added a short new up line mid trail. You can now pedal current bottom to top. We put in a small rock garden (The KMET Rockers), built the step down to over jump the A line, got half the A line bench cut for the newest section. We should have it...
  4. E

    08 Dodge Megafun

    Trans code was P0871 which points to OD pressure circuit issues IE Valve Body or solenoids. Dropped the pan and everything looks good as far as no extra material. Saving up for a Randy's Baby Maker 1000 while also trying to pay off Christmas... Need to talk to them about what they recommend for...
  5. E

    2025! What's the Plan?

    Just store the crawler at my house and tell her you sold it. I will just charge you the occasional use... haha
  6. E

    2025! What's the Plan?

    Get the trans working in the truck...
  7. E


    Looks so much more proper with the new wheel and tire setup. Have you chalked the tires to find true proper pressure. No use driving it around at 50 if it only needs 30 to wear correctly. How much caster does it have with the long shackles and adjustment wedge? I think 5-8 is typically a good...
  8. E


    This is a very generic guide to the elimination diet. Goal is low glycemic and non-acidic diet without the common allergens. I will probably keep coffee to help with the awake fasting window.
  9. E


    Sunday weigh in. still have a day of my 7 day plan with Arbonne. I am down 11 lbs right now. Basics of the plan are 16 hrs of fasting / 8 hr eating window. Break the fast with a protein shake. Then eat as normal within the window. The kit has a different shake mix than what they sell in bags. It...
  10. E


    I just got back on the trying to cut wagon as well. When I am successful I only weigh myself once a week. Always the same day and at the same time. Morning after waking up and taking a good pee. Like said above fluctuations kill the spirit. I would look at what the common food allergy items are...
  11. E

    08 Dodge Megafun

    Had plans to run out to the desert for a overnight with Shane meeting up with some of the boys but my truck had other plans. The 6spd trans didn't want to shift past 4th getting on the freeway so we turned arouned and unpacked. Hopefully get the codes read this week. Praying it just has a valve...
  12. E

    08 Dodge Megafun

    Rebuilt the tent rack to stand up the spare. Added a slide and updated from a not really working CFX65DZ to a new CFX75DZ. I thought I had pictures of the finished bed setup, but i guess not. I will add some later.
  13. E

    Jawbone to Monachee May1-4

    Hopefully i have the truck sorted out by then. 🤣 Add me to the list.
  14. E

    Back to a Pretender? Goal Contender.

    Are you sure about that? Second generation (XK60; 2007) Toyota unveiled the 2008 Sequoia at the November 2007 Los Angeles Auto Show, with sales beginning that following December. Like the original Sequoia, the new model is based on the new Tundra...