Recent content by dwphoto

  1. dwphoto


    That was too good to make up. Both on DR. Dude cheats on his chick. She posts her sweater puppies up to get back at him. 👀 The crowd goes wild haha
  2. dwphoto


    Proud of you dude. Keep it the fuck up !
  3. dwphoto

    WATER IN TIRES (Ballast Tires)

    👀 yea those dudes are on another level. We saw a few of those chaps out in Sand hollow and it's a pretty much just drive where ever you want situation.
  4. dwphoto

    Roger The Raptor

    Nice work dude that ammo can fire pit is rad
  5. dwphoto

    Recommend Off Road shop near(ish) to Conejo Valley?

    hell yea ! Thats @59sled 's son ranger. Sweet ride!
  6. dwphoto

    Upload photos problem

    I’ll talk to my tech guy. And get back with you. The problem is if I open the size to 69 Mb size for photos/videos that’s going to fill the storage up in a hurry. E
  7. dwphoto

    Bad Lines Merch

    New "King of the Canner" Trash bags. They are going quick. So don't sleep if you want one.
  8. dwphoto

    Free springs

    @theycallmeWALLY is in SD area maybe he can grab them @85Yota
  9. dwphoto


    yooooooooooooo! That thing is bad ass!
  10. dwphoto

    Sold Raffle! SwitchPros 9100 Switch Panel + Cash

    I sent him a message on IG FWIW.
  11. dwphoto

    Can anyone ID these leafs?

    take them to deaver they will prep them. I have a old enagage 50t pack and they prepped them no questions asked
  12. dwphoto

    2025! What's the Plan?

    @85Yota needs crawler
  13. dwphoto

    2025! What's the Plan?

    YOOOOOOOOOOOO ! congrats brother !
  14. dwphoto

    SoCal Wildfires

    They call me Guido... basically a step above a used car salesmen. right? It's tough cause I see both sides. As a insurance broker for last 19 years. People want the pay the least but if they have a loss they want the company to pay the max of the policy if not more. I have seen coverage...
  15. dwphoto

    SoCal Wildfires

    It’s definitely a complex situation from the lack of firefighters due to cut funding to poor maintenance surrounding areas, the crazy winds and the lack of rain and lack of water in the fire hydrants, poorly maintained powerlinesall contribute to the losses As far as the insurance these...