Recent content by capt.hodges

  1. capt.hodges

    The Lonely Pinos 250 Prelander run. Bring the kids

    Probably won't make this one but curious to see how it unfolds. Sounds like a blast! Maybe Lance and I will finally meet sometime next decade...
  2. capt.hodges

    KOH 2024 -"King Of the Canners"

    Wally - 26th-3rd Elliot - 26th-28th & 31st-3rd Logan - 25th-28th Jacob - 25th-28th Lutz - 27-3rd Ryan - 26-3rd Brad - 26-29 JosB - 26th - 28th/29th Metcho - 31st -3rd Lance 28 day wDesolate. 2/1-2/4 camp w Mugu Bodj Feb 2-3 Caleb- 30th-3rd Marcel - 27-28 Bobby- 26 - 28th Logan/Willis-28th-3rd...
  3. capt.hodges

    BLGT Cinder Hills Takeover. Labor Day weekend

    Decided Sunday night to make this happen and see the boys! Hadn't planned on it originally since my daughter's first B-day is the following week so was gonna prep for that, and we just did a 2700 mi trip to WA this summer. My fam and travel trailer will stay home but I'll bring the Super Duty...
  4. capt.hodges

    The Destroyer [2007 Ford F250 'Do-It-All' Build]

    Gonna have to make some changes, for sure! Got to figure out how to move the fridge to the bed and start thinking about a [relatively] inexpensive trailer. Found one of the shots!
  5. capt.hodges

    The Destroyer [2007 Ford F250 'Do-It-All' Build]

    It's going to take me a bit to rewrite my mixed-up threads from three other forums and find all of the photos. However, I'm looking forward to cleaning up the logbook for this land yacht! Get ready for a trip down DMC memory lane... 🤙